Can we use Playwright for API Automation Project? Yes!(Part 2)Greetings to everyone, in this article we will discuss how to run the same tests in different environments. In general, we have different…Nov 21, 20231Nov 21, 20231
Can we use Playwright for API Automation Project? Yes!Greetings to everyone. After a long time, I will talk to you about a framework I have been using recently: Playwright. Almost everyone who…Nov 6, 20234Nov 6, 20234
Consumer-Driven Contract Testing (Pact-JavaScript)-2Hello again everyone. In this article I will explain how to test two different microservices by giving an example. For these examples, I…Jun 2, 2023Jun 2, 2023
Introduction Consumer-Driven Contract Testing(Pact-Javascript)Hello everyone, I’m back with you after a long time. In this article, I will talk about a test tool that I recently started researching…May 24, 2023May 24, 2023
Introduction to Selenium GridHello everybody. After a long hiatus, I decided to continue blogging. Recently, I started to research the topics of parallel testing, test…Jan 22, 2023Jan 22, 2023
Cypress JourneyHello to everyone. I took a break from blogging for a long time. During this process, I moved from the Netherlands to Germany. I had to…Jul 12, 2022Jul 12, 2022
Stages in the Software Testing ProcessIn this week’s topic, we have now entered the test, but I would like to talk about what kind of stages await us in this process.Jan 16, 20221Jan 16, 20221
We Test Software, But How?Hello everyone again. I will take a short break from automation and talk about what we should pay attention to in the software testing…Jan 6, 20223Jan 6, 20223
The Relationship of Behavior with Test Automation- BDD and Gauge(Part 2)Hello everyone again. In my previous BDD article, I made a little introduction by talking about how to express test automation with…Jan 2, 2022Jan 2, 2022
What We Need to Know for Mobile Application TestsHello again. As we continue our testing journey, I would like to talk about the installations and tools we need for mobile application…Dec 19, 2021Dec 19, 2021
Testing API Using PostmanHello everyone. Before continuing with the Gauge series, I would like to talk a little bit about how to test an API using postman. First of…Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021
The Relationship of Behavior with Test Automation(BDD, Gauge)Hello everyone. In this series, I will talk about how to make test automation in BDD format using Gauge framework, how to code our…Dec 12, 2021Dec 12, 2021
Let’s Talk about Test LevelsHello everyone. I decided to write the blogs that I will write from today in English. I think that this way I can reach many people. In…Dec 9, 2021Dec 9, 2021
Test Tasarım TeknikleriHerkese merhabalar. BDD, Gauge ve Test Otomasyon serisine devam etmeden önce arada bahsetmek istediğim bir konudan sizlere bahsediyor…Aug 15, 20211Aug 15, 20211
Yazılım Test Sürecinde AşamalarTekrardan merhabalar. Bir önceki yazımda test süreci boyunca yaklaşımlarımızı ve prensiplerimizi ele almıştık. Bu haftaki konumuzda artık…Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021